
These are rough notes from listening to yesterday's recording. After playing the song on the piano over and over trying to read what I wrote, the mistakes that I made were possible ideas for variations.  
While listening through the 12 minute recording, I'd look for 'good idea' that could be possible real parts to learn and add to the song.   I'd stopped, rewind and listened carefully to write down the notes and rhythms that I heard, in order so I can read + play it later.

This is very difficult and labor intensive, (It can not be done with someone else in the room talking to you about something else!) .  Even though I can read better I still have trouble looking at some notes to know what they are.  I can write notes down but not read them back as well.

This is the only way I know how to embellish and flush out a song properly!


  1. Make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features: 
  2. "blue silk embellished with golden embroidery".
  3. Make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, esp. ones that are not true.