
"Colonial Rag"

This piece was taking the chord progression from Scott Joplin's "Swipsy" and building a new melody line.  Eric Abrahamson wrote the main theme to page one and I wrote page two.  I tried to stick with way Joplin writes melodies.  I tend to notice the octave and double notes next to each other and lots of contrary motion.  

Abrahamson used the theory of sticking to one idea and developing it as he says, "You don't have to keep going back the well of inspiration."  His main melody repeated three times,  later the melody repeat in bars 13. Other parts I developed a simple rhythm ideas around the main melody.   There are tons of variations you could make, but here I also tried to stick with one idea and keep it simple.

The "Colonial Rag" title came about while I was playing snare drum along side of it.  It was obvious it sounded like right out of the 1800's with Ben Franklin and his kite.  The second page tends to slow down in a similar way that "Solace" or "Bethena" feels.  Joplin's minor chords straying out of key giving it contrast and serious angular direction.  
Third section that's (A7 and Dm) or (B7 and Em)  which I still will create.