
PRINT MUSIC - "Happiest Again in Nottingham"

Today I found the PrintMusic! User's Manual on their website. It only took about five minutes and some prayer before I found the answer. In many musical pieces I have been assigned, they ask you to play an accompany melody that usually follows the main melody. This means while certain notes of the main melody are being held, others are being played beneath it to fill in the background.

Anyways you can not just do this when you plug in the notes. The program will only allow a certain number for each bar. But I read that buy using different "Layers" you can! You have to hold down "SHIFT" and the "AAROW" key "DOWN" to get to four different layers. The other layers will be "dimmed".

The last thing I have to warn when doing this is, plug in the "Main Melody in first", then let the "accompany parts" on other layers in order of Hierarchy.

"Hierarchy": Any system of persons or things ranked one above another.