
"Peacherine Rag" (page1)

I've been diligently calculating my hours to see just how long it takes to learn a Scott Joplin Rag. Thought my reading has greatly improved I still am counting ledger lines in order to learn a new chord.

One way you'd think would make it easier is to know what chords the group of notes are would be to go through the entire piece and write the chords on every measure! This wouldn't be necessarily if the "group of notes" were standard 1-3-5, but they are not. There are "Inversions" and they throw me off!

Three out of four times the music has "backwards" bass notes. They start on the "5" of the chord and that can throw you off. Other times there are odd bass notes outside of the chord working a melody in or doing some kind of run.

Another problem with my reading is "Remembering" the key signature. If I know what key the song is in it is easier to find the notes. But if they are sharp and flat it's easier for me just to mark all of the sharps and flats in colored pencil.

Sometimes I think being a singer would just be easier.