
"Disneyland Railroad Rag" - Stefani/Abrahamson

In previous books I was spent too much time redrawing exact Disney animation scenes to get a good header.  These now ones are just clip art found on the internet.  These are some logos I am adding to my new book of "Eric Stefani Ragtime Compositions" (2015).

1) Here is the first one using the blue print from the train logo
2) This one works a little different without the train but the Disneyland Train Station.

After taking a break and coming back I still wasn't satisfied so I looked into some other more "Authentic Train" fonts.

3) This on called "Pointedly Mad" was just what I was looking for.  To me it has a "Authentic Circus and Train" feel.  Actually this looks like "Song of the South" font titled "Pointedly Mad".

4) Trying to match the Disneyland logo is IMPOSSIBLE so I thought I would try something like this that go along with the artwork . . . 

5) This on I tried to match the Disneyland Logo

6) This one work well because the thin type has good contrast . . . I like this old time font "Railroad Rag" while the logo and artwork are bookend.