
"Blue Note" - Test Your Reading Skills

There is an App on you can download for free that allows the user to practice reading notes just like you would "Flash Cards". I've been using regular Flash Cards to learn my "musical notes" for about a year but still am slow reading bass clef.

The App called "Blue Note" has helped me and is loads more fun than the cards. The problems that still occur are the notes above and below the lined staff. Tonight though I just realized the notes above the bass clef stave are just like reading the treble clef. Just find Middle "C" and then you can see them.

I still not to sure how to memorize the ones below with Bass Clef or the ones above on the treble clef but I will just keep working.

The only way I've been learning the other notes above the treble is by finding the 'octave' or the same note that's below it 8 notes. This works but still am counting ledger lines which I've been told it not the correct why to read.