
A Wish Is A Dream Your Heart Makes

This arrangement of the song is complimentary to the right hand melody. Only "4" out of the "34 measures" use FULL TRIAD voicing in the left hand. Everything else is one or two single note accompaniment, that in combination with the "right hand melody" together making up the FULL TRIAD in different inversions. Also, I've been playing this as a "3/4 Waltz" on accordion for about a year but now will relearn it in "4/4 Straight" on the piano.

The "chords" they outlined in 1958 are very similar to "Some Day My Prince Will Come" from Walt Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"(1937). On accordion you have to jump around to find them . . . but more about that later.

The instructors advised me to go through the entire piece by first by writing the "fingering". But before before I did that, I xeroxed a copy out of the book to preserve the original out of print book. This was very helpful to get familiar with the left hand voicing and to decide what fingering would work best. Would like this transcribed for accordion so I could play it properly in 4/4.

After reviewing the movie again, I found that after Cinderella sings the song in 4/4 slowly, later the birds start helping her make the bed and the song changes to 3/4 and seems to speed up the tempo ( just like I've been playing the song!)