
"Work Smart" from the Album "On Time" (2011)

This song "Work Smart" (mp3) was recorded in 2009. It was lost and then found it on another computer. It is much better than a few tracks on the album so, "March of History" or "After Your Gone" are cut and replaced with this one.

Searched the records for handwritten notation and found it in a book from 2006. After reading though it and made corrections (2am), typed into PRINT MUSIC (9am) and got it straightened out so someone could read through it. There are several chords and the melody falls on them in a particular way. (1:26)

Written for piano but it's just as easy on accordion. Spent a considerate amount of time on the fingering to help you get to the right notes easily. Thinking now this idea may go back as far as 1999. Anyhow if it lasted all these years there's got to be something special about it.

You should not see the capitol letter "I" ANYWHERE in the above paragraph.