Here's a song I just spruced up from a simple sketch I had simply laid out. I spent 8 hours on it so it's pretty good. At the very last minute I changed the eight note pick ups to a single note and found the 'double note' idea repeating there and in the middle of the melody made it much better. In fact once this change was made I feel I really had something great!
I considered changing the pick ups also in the forth stanza but then left it it alone since there was't much but pick up notes and a half rest. The left hand was completely influenced by "So This is love" from "Cinderella" (1949). I should also not that this song was also inspired by "Fireflies" which was something I worked on out of the Michael Aarons Piano Book.
Trying not to write songs, trying to wrap up 'On Time" this one was just a sketch that needed to be cleaned up! I was going to work on "Face of a Clock" vocals but could not find my original backing tracks and could not get the computer to shoot it over either!